Keeping Your GP Consultations
Under 10 Minutes
I need an X-ray result / hospital letter / documentation to do this.
or Seek Help:
I need this information before I can dispense. Then I need the opinion of this Specialist.
Then I need the opinion of this pain clinic. Hopefully they go away by this stage.
Centrelink patients:
I need a whole appointment to do this form- gives you time to check stuff.
Patients play the "rush" card to get what they want, without you checking properly.
You can sign them off for one or two weeks to allow them to collect their information.
Can use 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks or two month intervals :
not the three months that always seems to have been suggested by the helpful Centrelink staff.
 Suggest you only give them one month per certificate not three months per certificate.
Patients who forget the identity of the hospital in which they were ill,
are probably just fishing for a certificate. Same : Patients who never attended that hospital.
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