Magic DOs
: Answers & Referrals
- Giving answers-
Always should be the same answer in the same way – again and again.
(Put this on).
Simple as well.
If someone wants you to do something you do not wish to do –
don’t say no, say yes but.
E.g. I need to do these things first- . (One step at a time).
- Always keep it simple. Always keep it a definite.
Don’t get drawn into dialogue or discussion or argument.
One answer to one question only. Or one single step and come back
E.g. today will test for the common things.
You’re not talking to doctors. This level stuff does not invite explanations.
Simple steps only – no one gets confused.
Don't be a smart arse.(What's a titre?)
- A referral generally ends your responsibility for the patient.
If they do not wish to do something that you tell them, give them the referral anyway.
If they throw it away and suffer adverse consequences, you have done your duty.
If they tell you they do not wish to go to hospital and subsequently end up there,
you are responsible for their mismanagement up till the time they attend the hospital-
if you have not given them a referral.
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